Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Universal Design - This is what sets us apart!

Miracle Park's goal is accessibility, equity, and the removal of barriers.  We have looked at the physical and social barriers of other playgrounds and parks and tried to remove them so that people of all ages, abilities, races, and genders can play, work, and hang out TOGETHER without barriers.

Thanks to the Ryan Doherty and Progressive AE, we have been able to research and pursue Universal Design Certification -- While grounded in ADA, this process offers far more potential for inclusion by using established guidelines for buildings and spaces to help meet the needs of different populations, including: the elderly, individuals with disabilities, those recovering from injury, and people with hearing and sight challenges. Universal Design (Universal Design | Progressive AE) is dedicated to designing spaces where everyone is given what they need to succeed. It is an opportunity to create a space where physical and social barriers are removed to create an environment that was designed with everyone in mind with the ultimate goal of full inclusion. 

The Universal Design principles incorporated into the project will enable Miracle Park to apply for Universal Design certification, one of only a few buildings in the world to have currently achieved this status and the first athletic Park of this kind to be certified in the world. 

This takes more funding to make this happen than a regular park, can you help by donating today?

To learn even more about Universal Design visit this site

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