Friday, November 18, 2022


 A T H L E T E   S P O T L I G H T - B E N  G I L L I A M

Ben is a man of many talents and has been involved in many sports and activities through the City's Therapeutic Programming and Special Olympics. He plays soccer, tennis, baseball, basketball, Bocci, disc golf, surfs, and is also an artist in the Merry Mosaics program. Ben has been involved with Rock Hill PRT since he was 8 years old!

Ben is 26 years old and LOVES being a part of this community that has made him feel included and safe. Ben's mom, Susan, said, "Miracle Park is somewhere that he can go and people don't look at him weird." Ben is always kind, but at Miracle Park, being part of Miracle League has given him another place to belong, a place where he is encouraging to others and wants to get better at baseball to please his coaches. He can be others-focused at Miracle Park because of the safety and belonging he feels there.

Ben has played in all three seasons of Miracle League and was also on the recently-crowned Champion Competitive Team! His Special Olympics Unified Soccer team received a silver medal at the Fall State Games!  Ben, we are SO proud of you and lucky to have you as an athlete and friend at Miracle Park!

Written by Kylie Carroll with Susan Gilliam