Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Sponsor: Stevenson & Weir

Concrete is the cornerstone material in foundations and structures and community service is the cornerstone of building great communities. Fortunately, we at Stevenson-Weir, Inc. have this amazing opportunity to gift our products, materials and equipment for community service to enhance our great City of Rock Hill with supporting the development of Miracle Park. 

Coined the “Green Team” due to our vibrant green color and our team approach to providing service we equally value hard work ethic as well as play.  Although play is often thought of as a “child’s job” it is vital in all stages of life.  Learning through play increases social and cognitive learning as well as functional abilities.  Individuals with mental and physical disabilities are not afforded appropriate avenues to enhance development. Miracle Park will provide the framework for inclusion for all abilities to play, develop, socialize, learn from each other and work!  We are PROUD to partner with other local businesses and individuals to bring Miracle Park to fruition to find JOY together through PLAY for ALL citizens with ALL abilities.
“The Green Team”
Stevenson-Weir, Inc
We are SO blessed to have Stevenson-Weir, Inc. as a Major sponsor at the Miracle Park, please take the time to thank them for their support and partnership with us. 

We still need more funding...can you be our next sponsor?

-The Miracle Park Team

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